Thursday, August 7, 2008

What If Negotiation Were Easy

Writen by Lance Winslow

What if we lived with an underlining set of principles to use our minds to see through the other person's eyes with empathy when negotiating? What if everyone had John Nash's "Beautiful Mind" and immediately worked toward a win/win? What if negotiations between people of different nationalities was not about winning and losing but about long-term future relationships? What if everyone involved in a negotiation was in it to build unity rather than get the upper hand? What if negotiation was not about a bunch of lawyers who are getting paid to manipulate words and figure out sneaky little ways to get more for doing less? What if we threw the lawyers out of the negotiations and off the planet? What if people were forced simply by their personal integrity and honor to uphold a handshake deal? What if we did not teach to blame, cheat or steal but to makes sure everyone coming to the table could sit down for the meal? What if the rule of negotiation was more making sure that the end game it to make it fair for all concerned or not to do it? What if we set up the world that way and taught that to our kids rather than prepping them to grow up to be lawyers to do the opposite? What then I ask?

Lance Winslow

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