Friday, August 8, 2008

Business Negotiation And The Winlose Turning To A Loselose In The Courts

Writen by Lance Winslow

One of the most aggravating situations, which can happen in negotiation is when your party fails to understand the true intentions and the cultural nurturing of the other parties. This happens often when dealing with foreigners from other nations who have different ideas of what a negotiation means.

For instance dealing with a Middle Eastern Businessman or an Asian Company. Often your negotiating team will find themselves in a negotiation with a Win-Lose other party who wants to win the negotiation and would prefer you to lose, if you win too well that is okay with them but they would sincerely prefer to leave no crumbs on the table for you at all and if you find yourself in such a hostile environment you may find the negotiations drag out for months and you must spend your time on development of friendship and not negotiating business only.

Then there are the negotiations where you try to assist the other party to make sure they get enough of what they want to insure performance and you get what you want as well. Yet as soon as the contracts are signed that is when the real negotiation starts and you find the other party was totally uninterested in fulfilling their written contractual performance, but wishes to hold you fully accountable to your written promise and even things you did not say, which they conveniently misinterpreted as a quote; "Misunderstanding" of course if that were the case you know good and well that would have been in the contract.

Now then these situations happen often in international business dealings and so you must be careful to understand culture, win/win, win/lose and after negotiated contract negotiations. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

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