Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Negotiating With A Mad Man Part I

Writen by Lance Winslow

Negotiating with a mad man looks difficult, but it is not really. First never get sucked into their game, always watch their actions and stop listening to their rhetoric. Often you will see fear, anger and other emotions, which indeed are the easiest to manipulate to serve your will. If you have a problem with manipulations of feelings of a human being who is crazy, nuts and a borderline lunatic then perhaps you should not be involved in such negotiation. But if you do it can be quite fun and you should expect to enjoy it really.

When negotiating with a mad man, tell them you agree with them, no matter what bizarre line of reasoning, tact or perspective they spin. This way you can play good guy for a minute and see if you can get them to argue against their own points. If so this means they just like conflict and have been mirroring what they believe to be your insincerity.

If they just want to be argumentative and debate, then they are enjoying this process and therefore so should you too. Once they switch their position to argue against your reversal of their perception of your opinion or stance. Then repeat back to them their original position in the debate. If they become more fiery, say; Wait a minute. So what you are saying is; and repeat back their new stance. Then say but you also see the other side of the fence and repeat back their first points once again.

Next say, I sure learned a lot from you, you know you are alright, this is very interesting. Next change the subject and ask them about something else and their opinion. Then lead the conversation back to the first point of contention. Now you are well on your way to negotiating with a perceived lunatic or the President of Iran.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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