Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Negotiation Tacticgetting It In Your Hands

Writen by Tristan Loo

This tactic is the classic for the sales-driven person. Essentially the "getting it in your hands" tactic is like giving candy to a child to make them stop crying. Once they get it, they are happy and nothing else matters to them. The sales professional knows that if he can get their product in your hands for a "free trial" before fees are assessed, then you will have a psychological attachment to that product and be more likely to purchase it and pay more for it. This is why car salesmen like to get you into the car for a test drive. Once you give it a spin, your emotions have already closed the deal..

How To Counter This Tactic

Getting something you want in your hands before the deal is done is a very powerful negotiating tactic. The best way of dealing with this tactic is first by knowing your level of self-control. Can you resist the temptation to drive home in that new sports car if you go test drive? The second thing is to prepare for such temptations ahead of time. Go with an objective friend who can ground you back into reality, or leave your identification at home (ID is required for a test drive). The point is to prepare ahead of time and expect that this tactic will be used against you.

Tristan Loo is an experienced negotiator and an expert in conflict resolution. He uses his law enforcement experience to train others in the prinicples of defusing conflict and reaching agreements. Visit his website at or e-mail him directly at

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