Wednesday, June 25, 2008

5 Tips For Getting Paid What Youre Worth

Writen by Regina Barr

According to a recent study conducted by the Institute for Women's Policy Research, if current wage patterns continue, a 25-year-old woman, working full time, will earn $523,000 less than the average 25-year-old man by the time they both retire at 65.

Want to get paid what you're worth? Then consider these tips:

1. Banish the romance myth about money. If you haven't figured it out by now, prince charming isn't coming. Further, money is not the "necessary evil" that we have been taught. It is a currency of exchange in our society. You provide a service and in return you receive money. It's that simple. Get comfortable with this concept of money.

2. Develop a career versus a job mentality. Develop a career plan, and write it down. A written plan will help you make better choices. Plus, a planned approach will help you avoid the appearance of job-hopping. And, should you decide to exit the workforce (for family or other obligations), it will be easier to get back on track when you decide to do so. Remember, you can always adjust your plan.

3. Develop a sense of your own worth. Noble poverty is not a virtue unless you are Mother Theresa. Take a lesson from the L'Oreal commercial where the woman says, "I'm worth it." You are. Repeat that to yourself every day as many time as you can. Do this until you believe it. You will be amazed at the prosperity that unfolds for you.

4. Adopt a "yes and" mentality. Lose the "either/ or" attitude that has been drilled into your head. That's the attitude that tells you "I can have a stressful job and make lots of money" or "I can have a job making a difference in the world." Repeat after me: "I can do both." Change your model to "I can have a vital career (i.e. interesting work for excellent pay) and a vital family life."

5. Think big. You have to make money, so why not make top dollar in your chosen profession or field? It all starts with you. You have to create your own reality. Tell yourself you're going to make six figures or more. Write it down. Say it out loud. Share it with a friend. Then see what happens. The universe has a way of helping fulfill our strongest intentions.

Only you can change your mindset and attitude about earning what you're worth. What are you waiting for?

Regina Barr is a business consultant with a passion for helping companies develop their full potential by focusing on their most valuable asset: their people. For more information on her programs and services, check out her website, and sign up for her free email newsletter, Developing People...Inspiring Success.

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